網紅貼「隆乳後遺症」照 認胸部太大「決定動縮小手術」坦言:很後悔!

網紅貼「隆乳後遺症」照  認胸部太大「決定動縮小手術」坦言:很後悔!

曾出演英國約會綜藝真人秀《愛之島》的勞拉‧安德森(Laura Anderson)因為外型姣好、身材火辣而深受民眾喜愛,IG更是吸引大票粉絲追蹤,累積了超過150萬粉絲。日前,她的instagram上貼出照片,表示自己過去曾接受隆乳手術,結果因為手術的後遺症,而在乳房留下疤痕,讓她十分後悔,在網上引起軒然大波!










Swipe right for the not so faint hearted Recently I decided to undergo a breast reduction. I had my first breast augmentation at 18 (12 years ago) After this length of time its normal to consider a replacement. I just want to make clear that even though at 18 years old I was very mature for my age (more mentally) I really had no idea who I was or what I was doing to my body. Here’s what they don’t tell you, every surgery has repercussions years down the line so this quick fix mentality which we all suffer from from time to time will most definitely come back to bite you in the ass. It's not like buying a pair of jeans that don’t fit so you just take them back. Theres no refunds when it comes to interfering with our bodies. Being completely honest, after seeing myself on TV I realised that my chest looked way too big for my frame and after many shooting pains in my left boob I knew it was time for a change. My original implants were so large that over time I’ve actually stretched my skin and breast pocket so much that I was told my choices would now be limited. This is just something I would never have thought about all those years ago. If I could have it my way, I’d go back and never have my first surgery at all. Having no implants and to be natural is honestly the person I feel inside. I just want to say to young girls or guys out there that think surgery is the answer to all their problems, just know the decision to go under the knife is huge and really has its consequences. My message to you is yes Fashion changes, but our bodies don’t need to!

LAURA ANDERSON(@lauraanderson1x)分享的貼文 於 張貼




