天后「瑪丹娜」吃悶虧爆氣! IG發文控訴採訪內容與報導不符:「感覺就像是被強X!」

天后「瑪丹娜」吃悶虧爆氣! IG發文控訴採訪內容與報導不符:「感覺就像是被強X!」


流行女皇瑪丹娜(Madonna)睽違四年再度回歸樂壇,她與拉丁小天王馬盧瑪(Maluma)合作推出新單曲《Medellín》於4月18日正式釋出,唱片公司同時也宣布她的第14張專輯《Madame X》將在6月14日全球同步發行。近日她接受《紐約時報》之訪問,報導中提及了好萊塢監製哈維溫斯坦對她做出無理的行為,暗示對方曾性騷擾自己。

圖片來源/Madonna IG

今年60歲的流行女皇瑪丹娜近日接受《紐約時報》之訪問,其中提她於1991年拍攝電影《真實或大膽》(Madonna:Truth or Dare)時,與好萊塢知名監製哈維溫斯的電影公司合作,不料,當時已婚的哈維竟多次向瑪丹娜調情,暗示的行為讓瑪丹娜備感騷擾。她更表示因礙於哈維在業界早已有穩固的知名度,許多明星爭相想要與他合作,因此許多女星被他騷擾卻選擇不而不談。而當哈維於前年捲入多起性醜聞官司時,瑪丹娜表示終於有人意識到對方在業界所做的許多端不上檯面之事,大感痛快。



圖片來源/Madonna IG

圖片來源/Madonna IG



Madame ❌ on the cover of N.Y.T. Magazine photographed by my dear friend @jr..........Also sharing my fav photo that never made it in, along with pre-shoot chat and a celebratory glass of wine ? after many hours of work! To say that I was disappointed in the article would be an understatement- It seems. You cant fix society And its endless need to diminish, Disparage or degrade that which they know is good. Especially strong independent women. The journalist who wrote this article spent days and hours and months with me and was invited into a world which many people dont get to see, but chose to focus on trivial and superficial matters such as the ethnicity of my stand in or the fabric of my curtains and never ending comments about my age which would never have been mentioned had I been a MAN! Women have a really hard time being the champions of other women even if. they are posing as intellectual feminists. Im sorry i spent 5 minutes with her. It makes me feel raped. And yes I’m allowed to use that analogy having been raped at the age of 19. Further proof that the venerable N.Y.T. Is one of the founding fathers of the Patriarchy. And I say—-DEATH TO THE PATRIARCHY woven deep into the fabric of Society. I will never stop fighting to eradicate it. ?

Madonna(@madonna)分享的貼文 於 張貼

另外除了這次的報導外,瑪丹娜在結束上張專輯《Rebel Heart》的世界巡迴演出之後,她花了許多時間在葡萄牙的里斯本找尋音樂的靈感,在當地文化的洗禮下,她表示「我在里斯本認識了好多優秀音樂家,這讓我更相信全世界的音樂都是相連的」,並在當地錄製了全新的專輯,而這次專輯共收錄了15首歌曲,核心理念即為歡慶她與拉丁音樂文化為伍的這些日子。


圖片來源/Madonna IG




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